Chef and his team continue to delight guests with innovative offerings that are supported by the onsite farm.
“We encourage each team member to flex their creative instincts in our kitchen” Chef shares. “We genuinely really like each other’s concepts and use the balance of classics and out-of-the-box thinking to shape our menus into something extraordinary.”
From the start the culinary realm of Castle Hot Springs, have enjoyed the the latitude to work with autonomy. Today, they have built a solid team to implements a cohesive teams’ ideas and make sure every meal is a stand-out experience.
“The team we’ve been able to build here is strong and unique,” says. “Our team and the energy in our kitchen speak volumes to the overall environment and feel of Castle Hot Springs: positive, inclusive, and welcoming.”
As Chef continues to work together to develop new daily menus, and work with agronomist Ian Beger to plan out crops for future menus, Chef say that every day at Castle Hot Springs brings an opportunity to learn something new.
“We enjoy sharing our methods with each other.” says Chef. “Our styles in the kitchen are different— “I’m more focused on efficiency and perfection,” Amann continues, where others are more patient, “But together we’re always learning and growing.”
The collaborative achievements can be tasted and enjoyed every day at Harvest Restaurant, course by course, one bite at a time.